Anne-Laure Papa Lab
Advanced Cellular Diagnostics & Therapeutics
Anne-Laure Papa Lab
Advanced Cellular Diagnostics & Therapeutics
Our lab is focused on exploring the cellular interactions which underlie varied pathological conditions and developing translational technologies which leverage this interactome, for potential clinical applications. We are building the lab based on our success in developing a platelet-based therapeutic with anti-platelet and anti-metastatic effect (Papa et al., Science Translational Medicine, 2019). This work was achieved with the support of our DoD Breast Cancer Breakthrough Award.​​
We aim to pursue the 3 following avenues over the next few years:
Developing diagnostic and therapeutic tools based on an integration of cellular components and nanotechnology, for cancer and thrombosis
Understanding platelet-immune cell interactions in physiological and pathological scenarios
Understanding the effect of nanomedicine/nanotechnology on normal hemostasis
Cancer - Metastasis - Thrombosis - Platelets - Nanotechnology - Drug delivery - Diagnostic tools